Hee hee, hubby is being amazingly good natured, he's a really good guy :)
We compromised and the ducks are sleeping in the plastic dog house, with another cage attached to the front to give them extra room - I put lots of shavings in but I did NOT put water in with them. I made sure everyone had a lot of water to drink once we got home and they looked none the worse for wear this morning.
The chickens are all comfy sleeping under hubby's camper top *snicker*. I put a layer of cardboard boxes down on the floor so they didn't have to stand on cold concrete, then I put down a thick layer of shavings and threw some scratch in there. Then we started the great rooster round-up *lol*. Went quite well actually, I was lifting the door of the camper top and hubby was stuffing them inside, one at a time. The RIR rooster was out first and he was actually well behaved. Probably an aberration and he'll turn out to be the rooster from hell tonight *lol* The big Orph crosses were out last of the first crate. Then hubby took a break and had a smoke while I got the duck bed ready, then he put the cochins and the americauna crosses in the camper top. Everyone was quite happy, clucking contentedly and busily scratching. I also put two 'nesting bins' in the back section, just in case. I put the waterer in (I need to put it up on some bricks so he doesn't get so much shavings in it and everyone was quite content.
The duckies, bless their little beating hearts, were scared to death but I needed them out the dog carrying crate (made sure they had water before moving them) so we popped them in the spare one while I put shavings in the dog crate, then we lashed the two together and gently shooed them into their crate.
This morning, I threw out some scratch and some pellets and the big roosters all rushed out, the cochins and smaller roosters didn't want to come out so I left them in the camper with fresh water and pellets and a little scratch.
For the ducks, I had a big bucket of water, plus a smaller coffee can with some cut up greens in it for them. This week they are not allowed access to the pond until they know where home is. Over this weekend we'll let them roam and see how it goes. I'll put the kiddy pool out tonight, I just didn't have time last night and no water available :(
Last thing we did last night was to use a cattle panel to section off the part by the pecan tree on the concrete. We put a tarp over the one side and a door on the other *lol*. I've post some pics - will have to get pics of the camper top hen house later *g*, didn't have time this morning.
Anyway, our great adventure begins!
We also are probably going to go with building a hen house and a duck house on the concrete area because we never use it. We have a large Pecan tree there which throws the smaller wild nuts which will provide shade and the extra protection provided by 2 sides of the garage should work well. We have enough room to make two separate sleeping areas that are probably 16 feet long and 10 feet wide, or thereabouts. This will be just for sleeping and protection as they will be able to free-range during the day. Also, its nice and close to the garage which has outdoor electric plugs so I can run lighting easily during the winter time AND, hubby said its not a problem if I use the bathroom area (there is a full bathroom built in the garage) for a chick and duck brooding area, which is great!
So I think hubby is actually starting to enjoy this a little - he had this little smile listening to the contented cheeps and quacks last night, after everyone was bedded down.
Did I mention what a fabulous husband I have? *smile*
Anthea - rich in ducks and chickens, in Oklahoma.
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