Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tomatoes Galore!

For the first time in 6 years, we didn't buy any tomatoes from Lisa Merrell (the Tomato Man's Daughter) since we thought we would have a terrible year, like last year.  23 plants and very little to show for it.

So what happens?  We have scads and scads of heirloom tomato volunteer plants popping up everywhere!  Now the fun is going to be trying to identify which are which.  So I'll be posting pictures and would appreciate it if Readers would chime in on the identifications.

I have no clue which these are, since I have bought a variety of tomatoes over the years.  I'll be tracking their color with great interest!

I think that these MAY be San Marzano's

and these as well - San Marzano's

You can see two large San Marzano's, then I think the teeny ones may be Red Currant, and I think the others are Porter Tomatoes.  I am familiar with the Sweet 100's and I haven't seen any of them, yet.  I think I may also have a zillion Roma tomatoes coming up, wbut will post pics of that Tomato patch later.

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My Beloved Oskah

My Beloved Oskah
MIA 10/30/2006