We now have a donkey.
My husband inventively named him Smoky - I call him Bartholomew when he's good, and generally Mr. Mokey.
He opens gates.
We left yesterday morning, at sparrow fart like normal.
I left Quan and Sadie (LGD) in the yard around the house.
The sheep are currently living in three breeding groups. One in the front of the house. One in the garage area. One in the poultry yard area. The donkey is with the sheep in the garage area.
The dogs are in the yard behind the house. You have to go through the yard behind the house, through the garage area and then onto the driveway to leave.
We got home last night - the donkey is in the yard behind the house.
He brays in welcome. No sound of dogs barking in greeting.
I cringe and get a lump in my throat and tears threaten.
I envisage a dead Quan and slaughtered sheep.
Wayne says: "Look, there's Quan, he's ignoring the donkey!"
I fall out the car in relief.
I don't see sheep.
I quail inside again.
I head, hesitantly to the garage area. I see 3 sheep calmly chewing cud by the feeder. I don't see Petal.
Hubby spots a sheep hunkered down at the fence area. Its the wrong sheep.
I get closer, heart pounding and strain my eyes in the darkening dusk to find the body of the, (I presume) dead ewe.
I about die of a heart attack at the soft "baaaah" behind me. Little Dot-Dot appeared from wherever it was she was hiding.
I sag in relief.
Turns out that some Grumpy-Pants Belgians CAN get along with livestock.
Now if we can only trust him around the poultry.
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